Sam's Thoughts


If there is one thing the world doesn’t need it is in-focus images of Mick Jagger and Keith Richards. At least not any pictures taken in the last 10 years. Now don’t get me wrong, I love the Rolling Stones. But these guys are getting seriously old. Mick and Keith are both 62 years old now. I don’t want to sound like I am discriminating against old people, I’m not. But although these guys may be in excellent physical shape (they have to be to tour the way the do and go an play their shows 3-4 nights a week), their faces, especially Keith’s is showing the signs of hard living. This guy did a lot of drugs and smoked a lot of cigarettes over the years and it definitely shows on his face. He may be 62, but his face looks a lot worse than most 62 year olds.

I bring this up because the entertainment section of today’s Ann Arbor News (Jan 28, 2006) has a big article on the upcoming Super bowl halftime show which will feature the stones. The top half of the page is dominated by an unfortunately sharply focused image of the glimmer twins that appears to have been taken during their current tour. One look at these two could really scare young children. Frankly I prefer to just listen to the Rolling Stones rather than actually see them anymore.