Sam's Thoughts

One Open house down one to go

We went to the open house at Sofia’s school last night and I was quite impressed. All her teachers seem very enthusiastic about teaching and their students. Three of her six classes are college prep. The biology teacher is actually a doctor of veterinary medicine and has practised on livestock (although I am not sure if he still practices now). Of course there was still no mention of unintelligent design. There were a lot of families there last night which I always take as a good sign. There was lots of diversity too (and not just skin color). One girl had hair that very closely matched the purple of the school colors (purple and gold btw). After the opening remarks by the principal and performance by the chamber choir, we went around to each class on her schedule and got to meet the teachers and here a bit bout what they are teaching and their class procedures.

Next week is Max’s open house and we get to do this all over again.